Selasa, 17 September 2019

My dialy activities

My dialy activities

Hallo my name is Bimo Yudianto you can call me Mo, so this is my dialy activities story.

         Every day I wake up at 05.00 am and then I check my phone to see if there any notifications after that I go to toilet to take wudhu for praying and then if there anytime before doing anything else I always do jogging after jogging I go home to take a bath then I prepare for breakfast but usually I don’t eat meal but just drink a cup of coffee or tea why I don’t eat In the morning because my stomach will feel uncomfortable after breakfast I prepare go to campus after class is over and no homework me and my friend will go to cafeteria to have lunch after that I go home to take a nap, I usually wake up again at 15.00 pm after that me and my friends go hangout until magrib and then I go home to take a bath again after that I go to warteg rosa to eat. Why warteg rosa? because wateg rosa is the best warteg, after that me and my friends will go hangout again or play game PES until midnight.

That is my dialy activities hope you enjoy it
